Saturday, April 3, 2010

5 Basic SEO Rules for Your Website

SEO or Search engine optimization is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via “natural” or un-paid (“organic” or “algorithmic”) search results as opposed to search engine marketing (SEM) which deals with paid inclusion.

So I present, 5 basic “SEO Rules” to follow when you launch a new website.

1) Don’t Re-Use Your Title Tag On Every Page

Many times your website designer doesn’t even realize this is being done. Your creative team is more concerned with the visual presentation than to worry about something they consider more of a minor ‘nuisance”.

Most of the time, your website has been created from a template, which ensures that everything looks the same -design wise- from one page to another. This is perfect to get the site off the ground and out there. Most WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editors work this way as well, templates allow for easy production of web pages.

The drawback to this from an SEO perspective is that the Title and Meta tags are all repeated. To get your website off on the right foot, change each page’s title tag to reflect what the page is about. You’ll be surprised at the good this can do for each of your web site’s pages.

2) Keyword Research

It would be wise to do at least a little keyword research before your launch your website. Understanding how your audience searches is the most beneficial thing you can do for your website. Doing even the slightest amount of research can clue you into small idiosyncrasies that could be “gold mines” in disguise.

Keyword research can also let you know how to target the content on your page, how to word each page’s title tag and whether people really are searching on your business name. It’s well worth the time spent to discover exactly what you need to target to have a successful website.


Danny said...

This site is the BEST!!!I've been working on getting my website up and going for a while now. I like how it's looking but I'm really trying to find some of the top seo companies out there to help me get more traffic. I've heard that this is the way to go so I'm really hoping it works. The one thing I'm not sure about is what to look for in top seo companies I've heard so many things that I'm not sure what the real answer is. I checked out but even there I wasn't 100% sure on what I was looking at. I was hoping that you could give me some good pointers and ideas on what really makes these companies the best in the biz.

SyrupTechnologies said...

The SEO Agency India believes that there are many factors that impact the ranking of a site in search engines. The foremost being the aptness of content to the site. It has to be considered that anyone visiting the site is because of the content, if the content is not appropriate or it does not have pertinence to the topics then no one would stay on the site for very long and they would switch to another site that is able to provide them with the necessary information in a better manner.