Thursday, April 9, 2009

Title Tags

  • The Title of your page is the single most important place to have your keywords.
  • Your Title Tags should contain 6-7 words (i.e. 50-70 characters). This includes spaces, hyphens, commas, etc.
  • Do not repeat keyword in your Title Tag is a bad idea.
  • Insert keywords within the Title Tag, so that search engine robots will know what your page is about.
  • Use concise phrases. | Make every word count. | Use the 'vertical bar' character to separate phrases.
  • The goal is to make Titles that make people click and make use of your primary keywords for each page.
  • Optimize each page with its own unique Title Tag.
  • Title Tag must be free of spelling and grammar errors.
  • Use most important keywords in your Title Tag.
  • Make the Title Tag look like a natural sentence.
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